AR Logo
Volume I, Number 1 (Summer 2006)
ISSN 1934-4324

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NEW-CUE, Inc. is a non-profit, environmental education organization founded primarily to assist writers and educators who are dedicated to  enhancing  the public's awareness of environmental issues.




Benjamin Vogt

Benjamin Vogt is a Ph.D. candidate in poetry and creative nonfiction at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is also an editorial assistant for Prairie Schooner. Poems and prose have appeared in Crab Orchard Review, DIAGRAM, Fugue, Puerto del Sol, and Verse Daily. Benjamin has a poetry chapbook, Indelible Marks, available from Pudding House.




Each clump

of pinched blooms

on the concrete,

like burial mounds

or funeral pyres,

leaves evidence

of its parting:


the imperfect cut,

the diseased stem

now yellowed thin—

the week by week mistakes

of disintegrating matter.


Between one last

green stem still pulsing

and a new leaf’s bend

back toward earth,

a pink head pushes


from sudden absence.

Forced, it tries to open,

color its thin petals amber,

until giving in

to autumn—nearly


luminous, almost

numinous and in danger

of becoming more than us.




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