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NEW-CUE, Inc. is a non-profit, environmental education organization founded primarily to assist writers and educators who are dedicated to enhancing the public's awareness of environmental issues.
Cheryl Wilsey-Cleveland
Cheryl Lynn Wilsey-Cleveland was born in South Dakota. At a very early age in life, she expressed an innate desire to create and to dictate her own path in life. Later, around the age of eight, she started to receive formal lessons in music. Since this time, Cheryl had received her BA degree in Visual Art and Education and has completed her MA degree in Human Development. Cheryl has exhibited her art work at many different art shows and gallery co-ops. Cheryl is currently a full member at Next Gallery which is located in Denver, CO. Cheryl has had her written art work published in Sage of Consciousness, Coffee House Press, JMW Publishing and Runes. http://www.geocities.com/cheryl_wilsey/ART.html
