Holly Day’s most recent projects include writing a biography of Columbian pop star Shakira, a guitar tutorial book, and a Minnesota tour guidebook. Her poetry, fiction, and nonfiction have most recently appeared in January, Philadelphia Poets, and California Quarterly. She currently works as a reporter and a writing instructor in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and lives with her two children and husband.
That Place
knuckle deep in the slot you kicked against the grain
when you found out. hurts. dream of stone
angels wake to red sheets telephone sermon
too far away
knuckle deep in the slot meant to fill, pain,
you said, finger lickin’ lyin’ cheat my home
swore to be there protect me hold me on
your chest gone minutes seconds after pulling out too late
knuckle deep in the slot the cocoon burst from like rain
butterfly folded up still, quiet, black eye, alone
sightless squirrel paws praying wings unformed my daughter my son
too early to tell to name to bed forgiveness
holding legs tight together fingers trying
to stop the flood